I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we as creatives, entrepreneurs, artists, mamas, biz owners sell what we are creating.
I work 10 months a year, take all of July and December off every year, and work 20 hours a I work 10 months a year, take all of July and December off every year, and work 20 hours a week while still running a 6-figure biz.
When my work was holistic nutrition coaching, people would constantly ask me “So what diet is the best?”. They wanted me to give them one magic answer and say oh you need to be paleo or you need to be this. But there are a hundred questions I would have for a person before I even hinted at a ‘diet’ (anti-diet, pro-lifestyle over here!), because we’re all bio-individual.
I took this photo heart full, after a magical healing session.
I had just received wisdom that I’m done breastfeeding, and also alive in me was such a complete resistance to giving it up.
Where my book worms at?!?!
I have set a goal to read my age each year, I read twenty-nine books last year! (I'm 38 tho). The thing about having such a lofty goal, is even when I don't quite hit is (#MomLife) I still reap the rewards of reading 29 effing BOOKS!
I get asked this all the time.
How do I get more eyes on my work?
How can I increase my visibility?
How do I stand out and get noticed?
Let me tell you a story and then tell you how.
If you are an entrepreneur, you likely spend your time feeling like a cocktail of inspired + deflated, generative + stuck, or focused + scattered. Sound about right? You may be familiar with the reality that being busy is different than being productive, yes? You want to work smarter, not harder.
I witness your sharp, quick movements to serve and delight others.
The smoothie catch, before it crashes to the floor,
The deep lunge to intercept a bonk of the tender head on a table.
Hyper vigililant wolf-mama moving at the speed needed by the pack. But does she get to pause and howl at the moon with the others?
I see you, Mama.
How much are you blocking your creativity, your ideal clients coming to you and your WEALTH flowing in by always editing and being what you think society wants from you?