Building Your 3-Step Visibility Strategy

Abbi Miller founder of Workwomb

When my work was holistic nutrition coaching, people would constantly ask me “So what diet is the best?”. They wanted me to give them one magic answer and say oh you need to be paleo or you need to be this. But there are a hundred questions I would have for a person before I even hinted at a ‘diet’ (anti-diet, pro-lifestyle over here!), because we’re all bio-individual.

And the same is true for strategy.

Strategy is bio-individual, like a diet. 

When I would teach nutrition, I would say that the best diet is the one that feels right to you and the one you’re going to keep doing

And the same is true for strategy.

The key to a visibility strategy is consistency. 

So often we miss the jewel, the aha moment, the making money magic win, because we pivot too soon. We get so whiplashed by our own urgency or we make up a story around results that we don’t often give things enough time to succeed.  

This is where building your 3-part visibility strategy comes in! 

Let’s get specific with where and how you are going to show up, shall we?

#1: The WHERE

Where are you showing up? Where do you/your work want to be seen?

Any road trip without a destination is gonna be realll rocky, as in you *might* end up in a ditch. Invite yourself to be really specific and pick one platform or place to focus on being seen in each quarter. 

It could be that you want to be seen in a person’s inbox in a regular newsletter. It could be selling your product in person at markets. It could getting more eyes on your website and focusing on your SEO. It could be lead nurturing  so you’re connecting with potential clients and showing up in their dms. 

Your where can be online or IRL and it will be different for each person, your biz and the season you are in right now. 

TIP: Pick a place and make it a ritual to show up there consistently. 

 #2: Your CREW

Who or what are you calling in for help? Once you’ve chosen your where, consider calling in people whose zone of aliveness that space is!

For those of us who have been running our biz for a while and are used to wearing a lot of hats and doing it all alone, it can feel harder to outsource something we have built the skillset for. We think ‘Well I can technically do this so I won’t get help’, but then of course we struggle to find the time, and shit falls through the cracks. Projects and goals stall.

So I’m inviting you to ask yourself, Who or what is going to be my greatest helper? 

This can be as simple as hiring someone for a few hours a month to help write newsletters or getting a sitter so you can attend that event where you’ll get in front of potential clients. Or,  you might be best served by investing in a software like Clickup or buying templates from a designer to use on Instagram or in newsletters. The options are endless!


How do you set yourself up for success?

Create a system for showing up regularly and tracking your visibility.

This could be a content calendar in ClickUp or printing out a paper calendar where you write down when you are gonna do an Instagram story and then check it off as complete. This could be about using Monday Magic Method™ as the next-level mothership to track your goals! This could also be a buddy system where you and a friend or fellow biz-owner pal share your visibility goals and check up with one another. (p.s. If you’re craving some biz community come hang with us in Elevated Circle!)

What is your visibility strategy? Write down your answers to your where, your crew, and your accountability and dm me to share, I wanna to know! 



Alright, love – if this journal entry lit something up in you, then let’s keep that fire burning! Dive deeper into the Workwomb by tuning into The Workwomb Podcast – where soul meets strategy and we dish out real convos that help revive your body, soul and sales!

Or if you're ready to go ALL IN and start turning your magic into money, check out how we can work together. <3


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