On letting go & lifting up


I took this photo heart full, after a magical healing session.

I had just received wisdom that I’m done breastfeeding, and also alive in me was such a complete resistance to giving it up.

Like by continuing to nurse I could somehow go back and heal new mama me that was catapulted into a trauma of the world on fire, scar on fire, arms on fire, and right in front of me:

a newborn who couldn’t nurse.

Like if I keep nursing my toddler, I’m somehow not giving up on the Abbi who exclusively nursed for over 100 days while my nipples bled, alone in lockdown. Crying myself to sleep and wishing for it all to end. This was before my daughter got a tongue tie diagnosis and we were able to get oral surgery.

There is some part of me holding on as if it means I am denying my struggle, like weaning is abandoning the Abbi who fought endlessly to feed her bebe, who fought for what she believed in.

But there is no going back. All I can do is be here NOW. Ask for what I need to heal who I am TODAY.

We don’t heal by holding on to where/who we’ve been.

We can’t grow our biz from the rear view mirror.

A snake would suffocate in a skin too small, and I know so well that feeling of outgrowing where I am, my habits, my rituals my damn BIZ.

I’ve been through it all and here to say you don’t have to suffer. You can hold the vision of where you wanna go while having a DEEP gratitude and reverence for where you’ve been.

For me, this means tenderness as I’m slowly inching towards closing our breastfeeding chapter.

I know a lot of entrepreneurs who are feeling stuck in the current iteration of their work.

Like they’ve fiercely built and advocated for the vision that is now flat-out sucking them dry.

I see you.

This can all co-exist.

You can be deeply grateful for what you’ve built, how it works, and all it’s magic and still be ready to shimmy out of your tight skin.

The courage to change, to release and to reshape things could be your golden ticket to freedom.

Will you leap with me?

Alright, love – if this journal entry lit something up in you, then let’s keep that fire burning! Dive deeper into the Workwomb by tuning into The Workwomb Podcast – where soul meets strategy and we dish out real convos that help revive your body, soul and sales!

Or if you're ready to go ALL IN and start turning your magic into money, check out how we can work together. <3


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