Selling from a Place of Service


I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we as creatives, entrepreneurs, artists, mamas, biz owners sell what we are creating.  

Regardless of the size of your business, there are waves of financial uncertainty, times when your biz is less lucrative, times when you have huge investments that eclipse your income.  This is an experience all biz-owners struggle with and can relate to. 

And let me tell you - Our mindset in those moments is EVERYTHING. 

If you peek behind the curtain of any biz, there are gonna be peaks and valleys. And yes, depending on your biz model and offer suite, there are ways to get more forecastable, recurring income. But even with those in place, there are seasons when the field lays fallow. 

If we think of it in this gardening metaphor, you cannot harvest all year long. You just can’t. 

If we transpose this seasonality metaphor onto our dreams and our creations in business, it does a couple of things:

  1. It takes the pressure off of being so prolific every damn day. 

  2. It also takes the pressure off the belief that we’re doing something wrong when we feel like we’re in that unknown waiting period. 

If that is you right now and you’re feeling stressed about money, I want this to be an invitation. You with me?

Ask yourself what it is you desire. 

For example, “I want to make $100 today.” Or “I want to make $5,000 this month.”

Then ask yourself: “What is going to change in my life when that money comes in? What is going to change about my energetic state? How will I feel?” 

Will hitting the goal of making $1,000 this week mean you can exhale and feel relaxed knowing you can pay your bills and your team? Imagine that feeling. It will take the pressure off, your muscles will soften, and you will feel more at ease. 

The feminine energetics side of this exercise is how do we trigger that state NOW. 

How do you feel soft and relaxed right now? How do you trigger that energetic state, not three weeks or three months from now, but today? For me, I live in Austin and I love going to Barton Springs to swim and that makes me feel soft and relaxed! 

Think about your own life. What are the situations, environments, relationships, and places where you are likely to feel the energetic state you desire and how can you actively set that up. 

The other side of this coin is the selling. 

So if your goal is to make $1,000 this week, I’m not saying that swimming all day in the sun will magically make that happen. But once you leave the water, you’ve done the swimming, and you’ve intentionally nourished your energetic state, ask yourself “Am I selling?”

If you want to receive this money, then the flip side of it is what are you giving. Selling is an extension of how you serve via your products and services, your clients, and your own unique talents. 

The work you do is a gift to others. Regardless of what industry you are in, you are solving people’s problems and making their dreams come true.

With that in mind, we have the moral obligation to invite our ideal clients and audience into what we do because of the gift it’s going to give them.

My invitation to you here is to INVITE PEOPLE IN and actively sell because it benefits both you and your clients

Are you telling people about your products and services? Are you showing up where your ideal clients hang out, whether that’s at a party IRL or on Instagram stories? Are you nurturing your leads?

As creatives, we can’t just release the album and then forget about it and hope it becomes a top hit. We’ve got to do the legwork and commit to the sell. 

You have so much more power than you think when you come at selling from a place of service. 

What you are here to do has so much value. What you have created is important and magical. 

So it’s time to level-up how you show up. It’s time to Sell.

Alright, love – if this journal entry lit something up in you, then let’s keep that fire burning! Dive deeper into the Workwomb by tuning into The Workwomb Podcast – where soul meets strategy and we dish out real convos that help revive your body, soul and sales!

Or if you're ready to go ALL IN and start turning your magic into money, check out how we can work together. <3


On doing life and biz like YOU


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