How Do I Get Seen?
“How do I get seen?”
I get asked this all the time.
How do I get more eyes on my work?
How can I increase my visibility?
How do I stand out and get noticed?
Let me tell you a story and then tell you how.
When we were launching Mom Club this past spring, my daughter Wilhelmina’s 2nd birthday was coming up. I wanted to post about it, to tie our celebrations into Mom Club, and speak to how beautiful a space it is for moms who have created their own work and explain all the things that we do.
The thing is, I had a soul-shaking, traumatic birth and an equally or even more traumatic postpartum season in lockdown. It was such a hard day, a day of huge grief and trauma from a very major surgery, and two years later, I was just on my knees about it.
I felt like I couldn't show up in that state and say, “Do Mom Club!”
I was supposed to be marketing something, not bawling my eyes out.
I ended up showing up anyway.
As I was and where I was.
I came on Instagram and said, “I'm having a fucking hard day. I feel sad. I have grief in my body and this isn’t easy. If you’ve ever had to dance with trauma in your life or as a mom, I see you.”
When I was done, the DM’s started rolling in.
I was gonna have a home birth, but it turned into a Cesarean
I gave birth in lockdown, too
I really struggle with my birth story not being what I wanted
It made me realize, I’m not alone.
I'm not alone in this.
And - surprise, surprise - what happened next?
There were more signups in the following few days than I’d had all week launching.
I share that story because it proves that having the courage to be seen is the precursor to any marketing effort. And if you know me, you know I'm all about mapping your biz strategy, content calendar, SEO, social support, launch plan, all of it, but it’s nothing if you don’t have the courage to be seen.
So how do you do it?
How do you show up and increase your visibility?
People buy from humans, so showing your face is huge, huge, huge! Whenever I’m seeing the actual person drawing the sketches, designing the clothes or formulating the organic lipstick, I’m way more invested in their story. It draws me in! I want to know who they are. I want to hang out with them! Showing your face helps people connect to “I wanna be your friend” energy, to “OMG, they have the same pain point as me” energy, to your energy. People see themselves in you and that’s where all the magnetism is, but we can only get there if we let go of the “I’m not polished enough, not smart enough, not accredited enough” self-limitations and start showing our face to the world.
We’re convinced that showing up looks a certain way or marketing looks a certain way, but it’s actually about shedding all of that and getting down to our human essence. Showing up unfiltered is all about finding a way to share your mission and message without covering up and without the sparkles sometimes. It’s a game-changing move for your visibility because people are going to relate to your truth. They’ll see you and be pulled in because we don’t always buy what people do, we buy why they do it and who they are. It makes being real the most powerful thing you can do, honey.
Cait Scudder spoke to this on a podcast recently, about rewriting the scripts around what we perceive professionalism is! For me, I’ve had to shift what I feel professionalism is in the season I’m in. Right now, I haven’t showered, my hair’s in a top knot and I just breastfed - that’s my reality - and my idea of professionalism needs to serve the truest version of myself, not what anyone else is doing. To be honest, I'm turned off by the hyper-masculine, hyper-polished aesthetic, because that's just not me. So, if you have a belief that you can only be seen on Instagram if you’re in a power suit or wearing lip liner or whatever, you can change that belief! Congrats to them, but you don’t have to show up like other people do. You can show up as you, and the people aligned with you are gonna be so fucking grateful that you did.
Once you’ve connected with the decision to show up no matter what, these three guidelines won’t feel like hurdles as much as sighs of relief. Visibility marketing is simply showing up as who you are, where you are, and it’s what your audience really wants from you. More than your product or service or posts, they want to connect with you.
So what would happen if you just started showing up, no matter what?
If you started connecting with the belief that who you are and how you are is enough?
I’ll be the first to assure you that you are.
I can’t wait to see your FACE online,
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