How Having Fun Helps Your Biz Profit

How Having Fun Helps Your Biz Profit - photo of Abbi Miller

Who knows how to have fun?

A few hands go up.

Who has forgotten how to have fun?

Everyone else’s hands go up.

That’s what I thought.

We are forgetting how to have fun en masse!

Sacré bleu, honey’s!

As creatives, business owners, Mamas and artists, we can’t afford to not have fun. Weaving it into our businesses literally helps them burst with cash.

But don’t trust me, trust Catherine Price’s phenomenal book, “The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again.” If you haven’t read it, let me gift you workwombies an overview:

The 3 Components of Fun


When I taught kids yoga, I felt playful every. damn. day. I was crawling on the floor like a dog with little kids. But things change, businesses change, my kiddo came along and “Bam!”, having fun wasn’t an ingrained part of my life anymore. I had to get super intentional about finding it again.

You might be in the same situation - or just buried under an iCal like the rest of us - so the way to get back to your sense of play?

Find your freak flag.

And fly it.

What you love to do, what sheds the self-consciousness, what feels silly or free or juicy just naturally brings that big, abundant energy out and into the world. 

People can feel it and it’s a huge part of what’s drawing them to you

(and making them pull out their wallet).


I just went to the fearless Chase conference in Austin and it was unreal.

Mads got a group of biz owners and creatives together with a focus on friendship and connection. We had the chance to meet and hang out with really cool business owners and to see where that leads. We might look someone up after meeting them and pass them onto a friend who needs a fresh designer or someone might be waiting in line and strike up a conversation that leads to a new gig.

But it wasn’t just about looking for connection, but intentionally inviting it in - both with your network and your audience. 

How many times have you sat at your desk while you try to solve the world’s problems solo? Instead, you need to start asking, “How do I reach out to my ideal client and ask for their opinion on how I could serve them better and offer more of what they’re actually looking for?” 

Genius move.

How could that not result in more connections (and more profit) across the board?

Find ways to connect with your clients, your team, other creatives and the greater community. 

It pays off.


Let’s say you’re a painter. 

Negotiating contracts with galleries probably isn't fun. You belong in your studio with music blazing covered in paint just dropping in, losing track of time and forgetting to pee.

It’s your zone of aliveness.

We all have one, a magical space that takes us over and envelops us in creativity that makes us come alive.

So, look into ways you can drop more often into more flow, but also get real about what keeps you from dropping into your flow. 

Is it your phone? 

Is it a lack of routine?

Is it a lack of a biz strategy roadmap?

(Oooh, pick me! Pick me!) 

Often what keeps us from our flow is trying to do everything ourselves - every possible thing outside of our zone of aliveness - and that’s where calling in support and delegating out is so key! Hiring other people who come with their own zones of aliveness is part of what can get you more of yours. 

It’s time to find what feels easy, 

what comes effortlessly, 

what flows.

Money grows where energy flows, right?

The point is, fun isn’t something reserved for the weekend’s or after work or for the kids. It’s a necessary action that’s just as vital to your business as the accounting, posting and emailing of it all. 

Without it, do you even wanna do all the rest?

If you're wanting support weaving play, connection and flow into your biz, get into my DM’s, beauty!

This is my jam!

Alright, love – if this journal entry lit something up in you, then let’s keep that fire burning! Dive deeper into the Workwomb by tuning into The Workwomb Podcast – where soul meets strategy and we dish out real convos that help revive your body, soul and sales!

Or if you're ready to go ALL IN and start turning your magic into money, check out how we can work together. <3


I see you, Mama