13. Unleashing Your Unbottled Potential: How Giving Up Booze Can Boost Your Biz with Amanda Kuda


Eee! I’m stoked to share some absolute GOLD from the latest Workwomb Podcast! This episode is for the visionary entrepreneurs and creative babes who are feeling the tug to step into their true power. You know how we roll—we’re here to claim lives and businesses that align with our deepest truths and wildest dreams. And my guest, Amanda Kuda, knows exactly how to do that.

Amanda is a badass alcohol-free lifestyle coach, speaker, and author of the book Unbottled Potential. She’s on a mission to help high-achieving women break up with alcohol and unleash their creativity, confidence, and intuition. In this episode, we dive deep into her story, how going alcohol-free unlocked her potential, and how you can claim your own next-level life by doing the same.

So, let’s talk about stepping into your boldest self, rewiring your relationship with alcohol, and using courage as your superpower in life and biz.

Can Quitting Alcohol Make You More Creative?

Let’s be real—society has trained us to believe that alcohol is a non-negotiable part of social life. Happy hour after work? Wine o’clock after a long day? It’s the norm. And Mommy Wine Culture™. But what if that “norm” is actually dimming your brilliance?

Amanda shares in our conversation that alcohol, for many women, becomes a crutch—a socially accepted buffer that helps us conform and fit in. But here’s the truth: Alcohol is often holding you back from your fullest potential. Amanda explains that as soon as she made the choice to ditch alcohol, her creative energy soared, her confidence blossomed, and she tapped into a level of intuition and alignment she had never felt before.

As women, especially creative entrepreneurs, we need to be tapped into our inner knowing. Whether you’re brainstorming your next big offer, creating content for your biz, or holding space for clients, alcohol dulls that connection to your higher self. And Amanda makes it clear—it’s not about whether you’re “addicted” or not. It’s about asking yourself, is alcohol supporting the life I’m trying to create?

If the answer is no, then it might be time to explore what’s possible without it.

How To Create A Balanced Life As An Alcohol-Free Entrepreneur

Let’s get one thing straight: Breaking up with alcohol is not always an easy path, especially when society and even close friends expect you to have a glass in your hand at every party. Amanda and I get REAL about growing up in the Midwest, where drinking culture is practically a rite of passage. For Amanda, it wasn’t about hitting rock bottom or having an addiction. It was about realizing that alcohol wasn’t serving her growth, creativity, or higher self.

Stepping away from drinking takes guts. It takes courage to live counter to what’s expected of you. But when you tap into that inner bravery, you unlock something so much bigger than just being “sober.” You reclaim your authenticity, creativity, and power. You allow yourself to dream bigger, live more boldly, and go after your wildest desires.

And trust me, courage is a muscle you’ll use in EVERY part of your life—especially as an entrepreneur.

Rewriting the Story: Alcohol-Free Is Empowerment, Not Restriction

When Amanda made the decision to leave alcohol behind, she noticed a profound mindset shift. Instead of feeling restricted, she felt free. So often, we think of eliminating alcohol as a loss or a punishment. But Amanda flips that narrative—choosing an alcohol-free life is about gaining clarity, freedom, and empowerment.

This is where we hit on a BIG mindset reframe: choosing to be alcohol-free isn’t about what you’re giving up, it’s about what you’re stepping into. You’re stepping into creativity, energy, and a deeper connection to your intuition. You’re making space for more joy, alignment, and success in your life and biz.

And hey, I see you—running your business, raising your kids, showing up for everyone and everything. You deserve to feel ALIVE and aligned in every moment. So, when it comes to alcohol, ask yourself: is this habit helping me step into my power? If not, it might be time to rethink what you're allowing in your life.

Manifesting Success As A Sober Entrepreneur 

Amanda’s journey wasn’t just about breaking free from alcohol. It was about stepping fully into her calling. This queen manifested a publishing deal with Gabrielle Bernstein’s agent—a huge moment in her journey that came from trusting her inner knowing and refusing to dim her light.

During our chat, Amanda revealed how she used manifestation and aligned action to get exactly what she wanted. (Seriously, she put Gabby Bernstein’s agent on her vision board, and it came true! Girl’s got SKILLS!) But here’s the kicker: that level of manifesting magic only happens when you’re fully tapped into your own power—and alcohol can block that.

When you let go of the things that are keeping you small (ahem, wine glass in hand), you open yourself up to all the possibilities that the universe is waiting to hand over to you. Amanda is living proof that clarity + courage = manifestation magic.

Creating Your Own “Work Womb”: A Safe Space for Your Dreams

You know I love talking about the origin story of Workwomb, right? It’s the space—both physical and energetic—that holds you as you birth your business and creative ideas into the world. Amanda and I talked about how vital it is to curate a nourishing environment that supports your vision.

For Amanda, creating her work womb involved embracing structure to allow more flow. Yup, she’s all about time batching and scheduling (my jam!), because that structure gives her the freedom to be creative and in her flow when it matters most. And when you’re building a biz and a dream, finding a rhythm that works with YOUR body, YOUR energy, and YOUR creativity is key.

So, how can you create a work womb that supports your vision? Here are some ideas inspired by Amanda’s journey:

  • Time batching: Block out time for your creative work in the mornings when your energy is high. Dedicate afternoons to calls or admin tasks.

  • Rituals: Create sacred morning routines that prime your mind and body for creativity—think meditation, journaling, and movement.

  • Boundaries: Get comfortable saying “no” to anything that doesn’t align with your vision. Your time is sacred!

When you take the time to curate an intentional work womb, your creativity and productivity will skyrocket. Trust me on this one!

The Power of Mentorship and Community

We weren’t meant to do it all alone, babe. Amanda’s story is a testament to the power of investing in mentorship and surrounding yourself with a supportive community. Early in her journey, Amanda hired a coach to help her get clear on her business and her big vision—and it paid off in a BIG way.

Whether it’s hiring a coach, joining a mastermind, or surrounding yourself with like-minded souls, community is EVERYTHING. Amanda and I both know that building a biz from your soul can feel lonely and overwhelming at times. But when you invest in the right mentorship and step into supportive spaces, you get to shortcut your growth and avoid so many of the stumbling blocks.

You deserve to have people in your corner who see your vision, believe in you, and want you to succeed. So, if you’re feeling stuck or unsure of your next steps, ask yourself: where can I invest in support that will help me rise?

What Are You Moving Towards?

At the end of the day, it’s all about what you’re moving towards. Amanda’s journey is proof that when you take bold steps—like going alcohol-free, trusting your gut, and manifesting your dreams—anything is possible. But it all starts with courage.

So, let me ask you: What bold move are you ready to make? Where are you being called to let go of what’s holding you back and step fully into your power? Whether it’s breaking up with alcohol, shifting your mindset, or finally saying yes to that big dream, you have the courage within you to make it happen.

Take Action:

  • Ready to explore what life looks like alcohol-free? Amanda’s got your back with her FREE 21-day alcohol-free challenge. You can dive in here.

  • Grab a copy of her book, Unbottled Potential, and soak up all the wisdom on how living alcohol-free can ignite your creativity and unlock your potential. Get it here.

  • Follow Amanda on IG @amandakuda to stay inspired and connected to her journey.

If you loved this conversation, don’t forget to subscribe to the Workwomb Podcast and leave a review - it means THE WORLD! And remember: we’re in this together. We are the firestarters, the go-getters, the visionaries. Let’s keep fanning each other’s flames and stepping boldly into the lives and businesses we were born to create. 🔥

If you want to get more support with following what fuels you, and turnings your magic into money, you’re SO INVITED to join our incredible spaces – including our incredible Elevated Mastermind Circle! Or DM me (Abbi) on IG to chat about what your biz dreams are and how we can get you there faster, and with more FUN.

Stay Connected:
Follow me on Instagram @workwomb for all the juicy updates & biz magic. Step into our Workwomb community and let’s rise together! ->  workwomb.com


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